Chris Carubia, Eastham
Chris was first elected as a councillor for Eastham in 2014 .
He was brought up and went to school in the ward he still represents today.
He has held a councillor surgery in Eastham library every tuesday since being first elected, and has met hundreds of residents over the years discussing local and national issues as well as helping many individual residents and families not only in Eastham, but from across the wider borough.
He has been an advocate in cases for Personal Independent Payments, Universal Crredit, Mobility Allowance, Home Adaptations and many other issues. and can say, with some pride, that the success rate of those cases to date is exceptional.
He is our spokesperson and Vice Chair on the Children’s, Education and Families Committee, the Looked-after Children’s Board and also has a seat on the corporate parenting board, working with young people across Wirral as well as within our local community where he is Chair of Governers at his local Primary School.
He has been married to Alison since 1987, has a daughter, and four grand children which he says," keep you fit and is better than a buying gym membership"