Allan Brame, Oxton
Allan has been one of Oxton's three Liberal Democrat councillors since 2018.
Since retiring as Head of English at Archbishop Blanch School in Liverpool, Allan has been able to devote his time to campaigning for Oxton. He drove successful campaigns for the installation of a CCTV camera in Oxton village and the reintroduction of a bus route serving the village and the Holmlands estate.
Allan persuaded the Environment & Transport Committee to prioritise the introduction of 20 mph speed limits in residential areas and Oxton will be among the first areas to see speed limits reduced later this year. When the Arno was threatened with "cessation of maintenance", Allan organised a petition to save this treasured public garden.
Allan can always be relied upon to take up casework issues on behalf of local residents: everyone knows someone who has been helped by Allan Brame! He believes in listening to local residents and keeping them informed: he has edited the popular Focus newsletter since 1978 and now supplements that with e-Focus updates, emailed regularly to over 800 local residents.
Allan is the Lib Dem spokesman on the Environment, Climate Emergency & Transport Committee. He is an active member of the Oxton Society committee and a trustee of the Callister Garden and regularly takes services at Trinity with Palm Grove church.
Allan is married to Elizabeth and their daughter, Harriet, is a solicitor in London.