Chris is a passionate candidate running for Parliament in the new constituency of Ellesmere Port and Bromborough.
"My mission is to represent the people and bring positive change to our community. I believe in the power of collaboration and am committed to working with local businesses and residents to create a thriving and inclusive community".
Thank you for visiting and I hope to earn your support."

A Three Term Councillor
for the ward of Eastham in Wirral South where I have lived for over fifty years.
- Spokesperson for the Children, Family's and Education committee which I have been for over nine years, along with a seat on the looked after children's and corporate parenting board, and am the lead councillor for special educational needs in Wirral.
- Chair Wirral's anti slavery group and am our spokesperson on the Merseyside Pensions Fund, one of the largest funds in the country which is administered by Wirral Council.
- Chair of Governors in my local primary school
- Held a weekly advice surgery at the local library for over nine years helping residents from not only Eastham, but from the wider borough.

In 2016 I stood as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner.
Where we gained a considerable increase in our vote share from %3 to %13.4 with just under 35,000 votes across Mereyside
My campaign then was on maintaining a visible presence by defending front line policing, to protect neighbourhood policing and fully support our PCSOs, to ensure swift and effective response to reports of anti-social behaviour, prioritising and tackling domestic violence and sexual exploitation and to champion the rights of victims and the use of restorative justice. I can honestly say, in my opinion, that these issues have not progressed in any meaningful way and still need to be championed.

A Cancer Champion
I have supported Maggies for many years and helped ensure it also remained in Wirral when it was to move to Liverpool. I have raised funds along with any others to ensure it remined here for our residents.

Chris started work as an apprentice electrician
Before working in Information Technology and management for global companies at board level.He then ran his own successful business for many years in Ellesmere Port and Bromborough and firmly believes that the self employed and SME's are the backbone of our society.

A Champion for Special Educational Needs,
With the right support in place we can ensure all of our children live up to thier potential and get the best start in life. This needs to be addressed in the early years to allow our young people to flourish. They are our future.